Used to allow the entry of the natural light in industrial and commercial environments.

It is a system of natural lighting Roofway it was created to be used in great most of the existent tiles in the market, and being able to be installed in tiles zipadas with several varieties of spaces.

His fixation is carried out straightly in Tuesdays of the covering, leaving the completely free tiles of the zenithal system of lighting, allowing thermal dilations of the roof without damaging the system and vice-versa.

Domus in plates of prismatic polycarbonate is a material car extinguível, not propayer of flames, class B and with an elevated mechanical resistance, because of being a plastic of engineering, is superior to any other material that has the same end (acrylic, fiberglass, etc.). Reach a filtragem of 98 % of the rays UV and it provides an excellent durability, resistance to exhibition in the sun, avoiding the precocious amarelamento and being able to be applied in any type from tile.


- High durability;
- Less thermal transmission;
- High mechanical resistance;
- Filtragem of 98 % of the rays UV;
- 100 % of IRC (Rate of Reproduction of Colors);
- I reduce ocular obfuscation to zero;
- Financial return middle (payback) of 2,5 years, with daily separation of the existent lamps even on cloudy day;
- Low quantity of equipments for area to be illuminated (middle tax of 3 % of the covering);